Monday, April 27, 2009


Recently in our family God has been doing things that have been stretching our perspective on many of the issues we face every day. We have been facing the questions "Do you trust God enough to quit your job?", "How big of a house do we NEED?", "What are the important things to be filling your day with?". In the spirit of new perspectives on life, our two year old son has taken up the hobby of photography. I am sure that at some point he will end up breaking our camera and I will ask myself why I ever let him use it in the first place, but until then I have enjoyed the pictures he brings back to me. He takes his time documenting the world he knows, and the images he brings back always seem to make me look at our house a little differently. Here is a collection of my favorite photos he has taken. All of these have been taken by our two year old son, on his own meandering, and who knows what the appature, F-Stop, and exposure are (for all you camera nerds). Enjoy!


  1. Way to go Jacob. Very interesting angles on your photography. I, like you, never take a photograph straight on...always angle the camera.

  2. I'll analyaze the EXIF metadata on the jpeg files and see what I can find. Seriously, though, it's pretty cool that he's basically doing photojournalism. If you ever wondered what the things in your house are that he notices and will remember, this is probably a good indication of what stands out to him. Either that or he is just randomly clicking.

    On a sadder note, I finally sold the John Deere, so...I don't know how I'm going to follow up on my telling him he could go for a ride around the yard next time you guys come over.

  3. ha, my little brother takes pictures sometimes.

    usually of his teeth, nose, and bugs that he finds, or his toys.
